Ouch! My knee hurts!

Do you need a Doctor’s Care?

Knee pain includes any kind of ache or discomfort relating the knee. Knee pain is a general trouble that we are all familiar with and mostly we either ignore it or simply don’t exercise. The knee joint consists of three bones: the femur, tibia, and patella that are fully designed to provide smooth, stable motion. These bones are enclosed in the joint capsule lined with synovium, which produces a thick fluid called synovial fluid which is essential to lubricate, guard and nourish your joints.

Knee Pain Causes and Symptoms

Knee pain usually results from excess exercise, poor structure during physical movement, not warming up or cooling down, insufficient stretching. Very common causes of knee pain are Overweight and Fatigue. The other causes can be Medical Band Syndrome, Osgood, IIiotibial Band Syndrome, Bone Chips, Tendonitis and Partially Dislocated Knee Cap. Knee pain symptoms include bruising, deformity of the joint, instability of the joint, swelling, redness and warmth of the skin.

Activities avoided:

Although you will be able to carry on most activities but you should avoid some activities like Twisting, Kneeling, Jogging, Repetitive bending, leg extension, Aerobics, , Swimming using the frog or whip kick

How to get relief:

¨     Strengthen your Butt               

From a research we came to know that knee damage including ACL tears happen mostly when large hip muscles became imbalance.

Hip extensions are helpful exercises to strengthen the glutes.

¨     Stretch muscles that support Knees

Sitting long hours in office or home makes butt muscles weak and imbalanced, so to avoid it we should stretch out these support muscles .

 ¨     Tone your core muscles

Abdominal fault can cause your pelvis to incline frontward. Strengthening your core will keep your back in neutral backbone position and especially your knees.

¨     Maintain a healthy weight

 Overweight is the main problem to develop knee osteoarthritis. Just 10% decrement in weight can result in 28% increase in knee function.

The vital thing you want to do when you’ve got a bad knee is to try to pay a visit to physiotherapist. Physical therapy is indeed an effective treatment method. People of all ages can take the advantage of physical therapy. Effective physical therapy treatment can address a number of conditions and help in promoting overall health and well-being. Physical therapy stretching and strengthening exercises greatly help in improving the function of your muscles and maintaining or improving the range of motion

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