Treat Vertebral Compression Fracture with Physical Therapy


Weakening of the bones is fairly common in old age and may also occur in younger people who are in poor health. When this loss of structural strength affects the vertebrae of the spinal column, even a slight increase in pressure on them- perhaps due to a fall or sudden vigorous activity-can cause cracks and fractures, especially in the middle and lower back.


Osteoporosis is the most common cause of bones (including the vertebrae) becoming weaker and more susceptible to injury. The condition causes loss of minerals from the bones, women after menopause due to hormonal changes. but men also develop osteoporosis  to some degree as they age if you  are a heavy smoker or heavy drinker do little exercise or have suffered from an eating disorder(such as anorexia) and  an still underweight and very thin, you have a high risk of developing osteoporosis  . In a few causes, taking steroids for a particular medical condition may weaken your bones, as can certain forms of cancer.


 If you fracture a vertebra you will feel a sudden , servere pain in the area of your back where the injury has occurred .Damaged vertebrae in your lower back may also cause pain around your pelvis, and if any nerves are irritated, numbness and tingling in your legs. In the upper part of your back the pain may radiate around your chest and make breathing difficult. You may find it hard to move around and even lying down can cause pain coughing or sneezing may hurt too. This pain and lack of mobility it surely to take several weeks to subside. Your doctor may arrange for a CT or an MRI scan to assess the extent of the fracture.


Although compression fracture in the spine usually heal within a matter of weeks without any special treatment the shape of your spine and your posture may be permanently affected while the pain lasts you are likely to find it difficult to perform everyday activities.

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