Exercises for Strong Bones

According to the Medical Researchers people with low bone density are at the higher risk of developing Osteoporosis. National Institutes of Health National Resource Center states that bone mass peaks during the third decade of life and after that we begin to lose bone. But this bone loss can be prevented with regular exercise. If you continue to exercise into middle age and beyond; risk of developing osteoporosis decreases undoubtedly. You can start a bone-healthy exercise program even if you are diagnosed with osteoporosis.

National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) suggests that as the people age, they should take the charge of their bone health. Along with diet and regular check-ups, a healthy and regular exercise regimen can help to slow down the aging effects while allowing you to maintain quality of life through activity and independence. A customized and regular exercise program may help to prevent falls and fall related fractures which quite so often result into disability and pre-mature death.

Which exercises can benefit bone health?

Exercises which can be beneficial for bone health and as well strengthen bones and muscles and improvise balance, co-ordination and flexibility can be categorized as follow :-

  • High-Impact Weight-bearing Exercises: Activities like dancing, hiking, jogging, stair climbing, tennis which make you move against gravity are grouped under this exercise regime.
  • Low-Impact Weight-bearing Exercises: Such activities help you to make bones strong while being a safer alternative to high-impact exercises. These include activities like; using elliptical training machine, using stair-step machines or moving fast on a treadmill or outside.
  • Posture Exercises: Such exercises help to improve posture and reduce risk of developing ‘sloped’ shoulders and bone fracture as well.
  • Hip and Back Strengthening Exercises: These include activities which are helpful in strengthening the muscles in the back and hips.
  • Balance Exercises: These exercises strengthen your legs and as well evaluate or test your balance while reducing the risk of falling.
  • Functional Exercises: These include activities for elder adults and specifically for those with limited movements. Such exercises improve how will you move and reduce the chances of falling and breaking a bone.

But it is to be kept in mind that before beginning any exercise regime, you should undergo a through medical examination in order to determine a safer exercise regime. Based on medical evaluation of the following factors a customized exercise regime is set up:

  • Fracture Risk
  • Balanced and Gait
  • Muscle Strength
  • Range of Motion
  • Physical Activity Level
  • Fitness

Your physical therapist would also consider your chronic medical conditions like; obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. And thereafter, a customized program is designed based on the movement, limitation, personalized goal and health consideration of the clients.

Contact Active Physical Therapy for the state-of-art treatment of any of your musculoskeletal disease. Our treatment modules are planned and coordinated according to the needs, requirements and urgencies of our patients. The treatment modules co-ordinated by us will not only cure your current ailment but also pose a check on the further ones.


COVID -19 is a short name for the disease known as novel coronavirus 2019. Coronaviruses are a large group of similar viruses; some are known to infect humans. There are many different COVID -19 vaccines developed worldwide. You may be wondering how long after the second dose you have full immunity. The COVID -19 vaccine being so new and it studied so less, so questions are highly predictable. All the countries are still healing from the second wave of COVID -19 and undergoing strengthening of healthy immunity. Light fever and weakness are common after vaccines and these are normal to build immunity. First of all COVID -19 vaccines work depending on our body, that is how our body fights against illness. A strong immune system includes several tools to fight against infection. The vaccine contains inactive parts of particular antigens and newer vaccines contain the blueprint for producing antigens to oppose and fight the specific disease-causing virus. Inside the virus, genetic material called RNA is made up of genes, genes carry the information to make more copies of the virus. COVID -19 vaccine given with the needle triggers the immune response of the body. Influenza vaccines can trigger an immune response by mimicking viral infection. Vaccines are a product of science and train the body’s immune system to create a memory. When a pathogen again infects in the future, the body will rapidly prevent disease by remembering the threat. First Corona virus vaccine can prevent more than 90% of people from getting COVID -19; there are around a dozen vaccines in the final stages of testing.

Nations around the globe are racing to vaccinate people against the COVID - 19 virus. The scientific studies suggest that taking two doses of vaccine is significant for achieving the antibody response that provides overall protection and creates lasting immunity. The second dose activates the immune system much more quickly within a week of dose two. The second dose increases immunity tenfold and offers much stronger and long-lasting protection from the injection. COVID - 19 vaccines are safe and effective against severe disease and death from variants of the virus that causes COVID - 19. Two weeks after full vaccination like Pfizer and Modern vaccines are fully approved to protect, but after a single dose vaccine, you still need to follow the prevention methods such as wearing a mask and social distancing. COVID - 19 vaccines approved by WHO continue to be monitored to have a high efficacy rate of 50% or above. Immunity does not happen immediately after vaccination, because of this you can still become sick during this time frame.

Types of Immunity and Vaccines

Natural Immunity- Natural Immunity is the body’s actual immune response to produce antibodies against infection.

Vaccine-Induced Immunity- Vaccination starts producing antibodies to protect from diseases in the future.

Different Vaccines have different time periods to give a positive response.

· Pfizer- after Pfizer vaccine immunity starts developing about 12 days after the first jab.

Full immunity reached about 7 days after the second dose.

Pfizer is 92% effective after the first dose and 95% after the second dose. · Modern- Immunity starts developing from the 14th day after the first shot. Full immunity starts developing after 14 days of the second dose. The vaccine has an 80% efficacy rate after the first & 94% after the second dose. · Johnson & Johnson- Partial immunity starts developing after 2 weeks of shot. Full immunity develops after 28 days of the second shot.

Vaccines are 66% effective after full vaccination. 

 How Long Will Immunity Last?

Natural Immunity- Three types of white blood cells protect the immune system Macrophages, B- Cells, and T- Cells.

  • Macrophages- Macrophages are white blood cells produced in bone- marrow, get matured and released into the bloodstream. The role of macrophages is to ingest and destroy bacteria, viruses, clean up debris and other harmful particles. That means macrophages will attack and break the viruses and bacteria when we are sick or shortly after the vaccine.
  • B- Cells- B- Cells are key players in the body’s adaptive immune response. B Cells play a crucial role to produce antibodies that recognize unique parts of invading viruses, B- Cells fight bacteria and viruses. That means if the same infection gets into the body again, B- Cells will make unique antibodies and kill the infection right away.
  • T- Cells- T- Cells have two types- Helper T- Cells and Killer T- Cells. T- Cells take care of B- Cells. T- Cells are slightly modified throughout the human lifetime. T Cells kill the damaged cells and the infection inside of them.

Vaccine-Induced Immunity- The same process after a vaccine is followed by the body to develop immunity. B- Cells, T- Cells, and Macrophages play the same role. Vaccines help the body to develop T- Cells and B- Cells that will remember how to fight the virus in the future.

Protection After Vaccine- Scientists have seen that vaccines will protect most people for the first few months after getting the second dose and no one really knows how long immune response and how many years from now COVID - 19. Vaccination has long-term protection and Key things to know about COVID - 19 vaccines.

Effectiveness- COVID - 19 vaccines are effective, they can keep you from getting and spreading the virus, you may resume many activities you did before the pandemic. Get vaccination regardless of whether you already have COVID - 19. For non- non-vaccinated communities, COVID is still a threat, even for those who did not have symptoms. Vaccines are not experimental but went through all required stages of clinical trials. Vaccines teach our immune system to recognize and fight the virus causes COVID - 19.

Mild – Reaction- after COVID -19 vaccination, you may have some side effects. The side effects from COVID - 19 vaccination such as tiredness, headache, or chills may affect your ability to do a daily activity but will go away in a few days. Vaccines are designed to give you immunity without the dangers of getting the disease. These mild effects after getting the vaccination signs that your body is building protection. Serious allergic reactions to the COVID -19 vaccines are rare. These minor symptoms usually happened after the second dose rather than the first.

Take Precautions- The far most essential precaution after taking the COVID vaccine is to continue wearing a mask after both doses. In fact, double mask protection Is still recommended. Vaccination allows you to stay unmasked, but it does not mean you should stop practicing precautions such as masking, social distancing, and hand hygiene.

Do & Don’ts after COVID - 19 Vaccination to Boost Immunity

 1. Do’s – 

  • Drink plenty of water, and a hydrated body will reduce the symptoms you may face, preventing you from feeling sick.
  • Eating a well-established diet such as green vegetables, turmeric, and garlic helps to boost immunity. Vitamin –C-rich fruits also fight the vaccine side effects.
  • In case a person has allergies to medication or drugs, it is important to get an all-clear from medical practitioners such as people on steroids and diabetes.
  • Vaccinated lactating mothers should continue breastfeeding as babies can get through milk.

2. Don’ts- 

  •  Don’t be afraid after vaccination, some feel unpleasant, dizzy, and feel strong pain. Don’t worry about the post-effects of Vaccination. These effects give signs that your body is naturally reacting to the vaccine.
  • It all depends on your body to handle the effects of the vaccine. Your body needs to rest as much as possible. Don’t do such strenuous activities within the first 24 hours. Start light exercise after 24 hours of the COVID vaccine.
  •  Do not consume alcohol or smoke, Avoid tobacco also. Alcohol affects the body’s immune system negatively and there is a chance that the immune response to the vaccine may not be as effective.
  • Do not miss other necessary vaccines, and do not stop taking precautions. A person could still get infected by COVID -19 in a few days immediately following the vaccination because the person would not have had enough time to develop immunity.

 Contact Active Physical Therapy 





Running is arguably the most basic form of exercise. Runners face many challenges in their life, they get hurt,stay busy and tired. Back pain is very common nowadays not only for runners or athletes, 70% of the population has been facing the same issue. They go to the doctor’s clinic and miss their official and routine work. Sports injuries are also another concept to consider the back pain from muscle aching to a shooting, burning or stabbing sensation. Most back pains gradually improve with home treatment and self care. Repeated heavy lifting or sudden awkward movement cause muscle or ligament strain and spasms. Osteoarthritis can affect lower back pain. Pain can be acute, sub acute or chronic under the categories of muscles, bones, lower back, buttocks and specific sensation is sharp, electric, burning type pain that can originate from any part of the body. When an injury at some point extended break at your movements due to pain but there is good news your muscles have a memory of those past activities. A few things are common if you want to run after acute or chronic back pain. Start with your own unique challenges and requirements to help your body. To get back to running after a long interval follow some important steps:-

Understand The Cause

Whenever a long interval enters in any kind of activity it is difficult to start from the point you left and there must be a cause that why a person left that from schedule. In the case of a runner Runner spine’s vertebrae and discs experience extra pressure, lower back pain due to bending or lifting in high frequency. At the same time, to get back to your recovery track, you should go to the doctor to diagnose why you have back pain. You don’t need any scans if you are going through a short term of pain but if you have a sudden injury you should take your extra care for diagnosing the reason. After this process the doctor will arrange a PT for you, to skip the doctor you can go to the Physical Therapy, A skilled Physical Therapist will be able to access you and provide you with diagnosis and treatment plan. Developing muscle strength and aerobic capacity at rehab will help to reschedule your elapsed exertion.

 Don’t let your Injury keep you Down

When you are suffering from an acute back injury, take a rest for a couple of days after bending, twisting or straining. Don’t rest too much time after injury because the more time you take to get comfortable, the more it will feel hard to come back. At the prior times of injury more chances are there to function properly within a week or 2 weeks. In fact unused muscles switch themselves off. For that reason, start walking by the wall as your pain decreases, begin normal and slow movements such as walking around the house, and start slow and regular exercise. Listen to your body if you are feeling any tenderness, communicate with your Physical Therapist who can alleviate pain and regain function. They must focus on the exercises and stretches designed for you in PT sessions.

 Celebrate Each Step

Start counting your progress day by day, try warming up under your Healthcare’s treatment plan. A Physical Therapist will also identify your weak points so that he/she can analyse where to give stress and rest so you can handle the pain with comfort. If you have any impact on joints, PT will schedule not only running but runs with biking, swimming which will make cardiovascular endurance without stressing your joints. Sometimes the runners get frustrated as one who was running 40- 50 miles per week is not able to walk around. Be positive, your positive emotions reinforce you to get back in action. Commit yourself to join body strength training sessions in the Rehab Center. Measure day by day progress and praise yourself. Self care works more than healthcare. Your encouragement to yourself will help to design your new road map of success.

 Have Patience

Casual Runners or Professional Athletes always want to run as soon as possible. No one is happy by sitting during an injury. Don’t be scared and do not increase your weekly mileage by more than 10% in order to help your body. Keep in mind and be aware to stress the muscles. Your Pt would design a plan for you to improve your blood flow to your muscles. Don’t increase your running speed before your PT’s recommendations. You can continue if pain does not return. PT always designs a healing and training process from walk to run progression, for each new activity take your time as your body is in healing process and if you are going to exert pressure as you were before strain or injury it will cause more stress and take a long time to heal. Let your body adapt. For a couple of months run on the alternative days to allow for recovery and time for the body. Everyone’s recovery time can be different, as the injury caused can take more or less time to recover as compared to other patients with the same injury.  PT will help you from walk to run with some additional elliptical, cycling, swimming to mix it up during the week. Chances of reinjury are the biggest risk during or after a painful injury. Start under the guidance of your PT to lessen the risk, that will enhance the progression of running in which PT will include to give strength to previous injured tissue.

 Use your Physical Therapy Knowledge

After Rehabilitation when you come back at your home, higher chances of skipping your PT schedule and it hinders the linear progress. Always stay in contact with your Physical Therapy Center and use the plan given by your trainer. Post Rehab, keep in mind your PT is there for you even after you are discharged. Physical Therapy is important to help you get to running as soon as you can. Physical therapists by their equipment analyse the deficiencies in your running style. Therapy team will overdo for your quick recovery with specific therapy techniques. They will educate you on some key concepts for do’s and don’ts. Once or twice a weekly rehab day allows you to keep working at the cause of injury.

Live Smart

Add good habits, avoid lying on one side, get into a neutral position. Don’t look down for a long time without a break. Physical exercises are the dental floss of the running world. Stick to your prescribed physical plan. Runners already know the importance of strong glutes to control your hip rotation and prevent injury pain. Show more attention to your calves, soleus strength.

 To Get Back to Running Consider Rules- 

  • All running to be completed at liberal rate.

  • No speed work until you completely return to the Running phase.

  • Don’t run in a row of days, choose alternative days to give your body time to recover.

  •  Focus on the duration you are adding day by day.

  • Stop the discomfort and judge your each run.

  • Consider 6-8 Rehabilitation Center meetings to your PT in a month.

  • Practice Patience, Get Strong.

Contact Active Physical Therapy 

Biceps Tendinitis

Biceps Tendinitis is a common shoulder pathology which usually develops in younger athletic population due to repetitive overhead injuries. The patients suffering from this condition usually have to suffer pain, lesser range of motion & strength and impaired functional mobility. This pathology develops over the time with pain located at the front of the shoulder.

What do we mean by Biceps Tendinitis?

There are two parts of biceps muscles: the long head and the short head. The long head is usually affected with tendinitis. Biceps tendinitis is known as the inflammation of the tendon around the long head of biceps muscles. The most commonly irritated tendon is the one that attaches the top of the biceps muscles to the shoulder. Biceps tendinitis results due to the repetitive stress which in turn results into irritated, swollen and painful tendon.

What causes Biceps Tendinitis?

Excessive and abnormal forces applied across the tendon results into biceps tendinitis. Apart from this, several other conditions also contribute towards developing the condition including:

  • Tension and pulling of a tendon or muscle
  • Compression i.e. pushing, pinching or shearing
  • Weak rotator cuff and upper back muscles
  • Tight shoulder joints or muscles
  • Poor body mechanics
  • Overuse from certain types of work or sports
  • Gradual wear and tear
  • Continuous or repetitive shoulder actions
  • Abrupt increase in exercise routine
  • Age- relate bodily changes
  • Degeneration in a tendon
  • A direct injury to the shoulder.

What are the potential signs and symptoms of Biceps Tendinitis?

Biceps tendinitis is common amongst the athletes involved in swimming, throwing, gymnastics and other contact sports. Workers who are involved in overhead shoulder work or heavy lifting are at greater risk. The sufferers commonly report symptoms including:

  • Sharp pain in the front of shoulder
  • Tenderness in the front of the shoulder
  • Pain radiating towards neck down the arm
  • Feeling pain after every activity
  • Weakness around the shoulder joint
  • Catching or clicking sensation near top of the biceps
  • Pain aggravating with flexion, forearm supination or elbow flexion.

What are the Physical Treatments to treat Biceps Tendinitis?

Once you are diagnosed with Biceps Tendinitis your physical therapy will develop a customized treatment program while keeping your specific goals and condition in mind.  Your physical therapy may suggest:

  • Initially RICE; rest, ice, compression and evaluation may be suggested. He may also advice to avoid the activity aggravating the condition
  • Soft-tissue therapy, electrical stimulation or ultrasound therapy may be suggested
  • Series of stretching or strengthening exercises may be suggested to regain lost range of motion
  • Postural corrections may be suggested to correct the sitting and standing posture.
  • Physical therapists may also employ hands-on therapy to gently move or mobilize your shoulder
  • Functional training would be provided to prevent future injuries. He would point out and correct your faulty movement.

Contact Active Physical Therapy for the state-of-art treatment of any of your musculoskeletal disease. Our treatment modules are planned and coordinated according to the needs, requirements and urgencies of our patients. The treatment modules co-ordinated by us will not only cure your current ailment but also pose a check on the further ones.

Physical Therapy Treatment for the Patients’ with Hand Arthritis

Your hands help you in cooking, cleaning, brushing, typing and in every type of daily routine activities that you perform. But you do not notice the importance of hands unless some impairment or deformity makes it difficult for you to use your hands. Hand Arthritis is one such pathology that attacks or affects your hands or finger joints.


How can Physical Therapy help the patients with Hand Arthritis?

Appropriate exercises suggested by the efficient Physical Therapists can relieve you from the pain, stiffness or inflammation of joints caused due to arthritis, moreover, these exercises also help you to get back into motion as well. Depending upon your condition and findings of your evaluations; a specific and customized treatment plan is developed. These exercises and modalities help to enhance the range of motion of the joints and as well lengthen the tendons or muscles through stretching. Following exercises are suggested by the physical therapists to relieve your inflamed or painful joints:

  • Therapists may suggest specific range of motion exercises which will help you to relieve stiffness and also help to improvise and maintain joint mobility and flexibility.
  • Strengthening exercises aimed at enhancing the muscle strength and alleviating weakness may be suggested.
  • Isometric exercises may be suggested to tighten and strengthen the muscles without moving joints and are most helpful with painful joints
  • Isotonic exercises, where muscles are strengthened by moving weight, may be suggested
  • Wrist extension and flexion, wrist pronation, wrist ulnar/radial deviation, thumb flexion or extension and hand or finger tendon glide are some of the range of motion techniques; that may be recommended to make your hands’ and fingers’ joints move without pain
  • Thermal modalities like; applying heating or ice packs may be suggested to relieve pain
  • Therapist may suggest and educate you to make use of certain assistive devices that would help you to perform your routine tasks at home and work easily and without feeling any pain
  • Therapists may also educate you regarding postural and activity modifications in order to relieve discomfort and to improvise your performance as well
  • Therapists may provide you guidance to use techniques which minimize the joint strain
  • Therapists may suggest exercises that strengthen the muscles around the joints and as well build greater endurance

Contact Active Physical Therapy for the state-of-art treatment of any of your musculoskeletal disease. Our treatment modules are planned and coordinated according to the needs, requirements and urgencies of our patients. The treatment modules co-ordinated by us will not only cure your current ailment but also pose a check on the further ones.

Juvenile Disc Disorder

Most of the times, chronic back pain or long term back problems are associated with elderly or middle-aged people.  But Juvenile Disc Disorder can also affect the people as young as 20 years of age. It means that if you are an adolescent, even then you cannot save yourself from this deformity. The fact is; some patients may inherit a prematurely aging spine.

What do we understand by Juvenile Disc Disorder?

Juvenile Disc Disorder is a condition, where end-plates of disc spaces are not that much strong to bear the pressures generated within the disc spaces. Such a condition leads to disc herniations into the vertebral bodies and triggers back pain at quite an early age.

The condition is very much similar to that of degenerative disc disease but with a difference that in this condition, degeneration starts at a much earlier age and generally, most of the discs of lumbar spine are involved as opposed to that of degenerative disc disorder, where only one or two discs are typically involved.

What are the causes of Juvenile Disc Disorder?

Following factors can lead to Juvenile Disc Disorder:

  • Injury to back
  • Weakening of discs due to wear and tear
  • Strain and stress you put on your backs
  • Changes in your discs and other spine structures
  • Decreasing of water in the discs
  • Discs become less spongy and much thinner
  • Space between the vertebrae above and below the disc gets smaller
  • Hypermobility of facet joints
  • Your genes; you may be pre-disposed to excessive wear and tear of joints.

What are the potential signs and symptoms of Juvenile Disc Disorder?

Any part of your spine can get affected due to Juvenile Disc Disorder but low back or neck is most commonly affected parts. Other signs and symptoms of the disease include:

  • Chronic back and neck pain
  • Pain at the site of damaged disc
  • Pain radiating to another body part
  • More pain while sitting for a long time
  • Feeling of pain while bending, lifting or twisting
  • Feeling less pain while walking, running or if you change positions frequently
  • Pain subsides with rest.

What are the treatment options suggested by the Physical Therapists to treat Juvenile Disc Disorder?

Physical Therapy treatment to treat Juvenile Disc Disorder is much similar to that of Degenerative Disc Disorder. Most of the patients respond well to the physical therapy techniques and recovery is possible in about five-six weeks. Physicals therapists may suggest the following techniques to treat Juvenile Disc Disorder:

  • Physical Therapist may suggest rest or restricted activity but for few days only. Extended rest is not recommended and mild activity is suggested for better healing.
  • A daily hamstring stretching and aerobic conditioning may be suggested for the better healing
  • Deep tissue massage is recommended to release the tension in soft tissues like; ligaments, tendons or muscles
  • Heat therapy is suggested to remove the waste by-products caused due to spasms.
  • Cold therapy is used to lessen the pain and inflammation.
  • Spinal traction is administered to eliminate the pain caused due to the muscle tightness or compressed nerves.
  • Various exercises to improvise the flexibility, strength, core stability and range of motion are practised.
  • An individualized treatment program, taking into account your health and history is formulated
  • Your physical therapists will make you learn about various body mechanics to limit pain. Positions causing pain will also be made familiar to you.
  • Proper work ergonomics and posture corrections are taught to help you to take better care of your back.
  • Strengthening exercises to strengthen abdominal and back muscles are also recommended.

Juvenile Disc Disorder can wreak havoc on the back of an adolescent, so the parents should watch out for the early signs of the disease and if you find out any warning signs, should go for immediate diagnosis and treatment. Contact Active Physical Therapy for the state-of-art treatment of any of your musculoskeletal disease. Our treatment modules are planned and coordinated according to the needs, requirements and urgencies of our patients. The treatment modules co-ordinated by us will not only cure your current ailment but also pose a check on the further ones.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is the second most common nerve compression, caused by increased pressure on the ulnar nerve at the elbow. The people, who repeatedly lean on their elbows or bend their elbows for sustained periods, are more likely to get affected by this condition. This condition is more common in men than women.

What do you mean by Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome affects ulnar nerve where it crosses the inside edge of the elbow. This inside edge is relatively unprotected area and ulnar nerve here is entrapped between bone and skin in the tunnel called ‘Cubital Tunnel’.  When the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel gets compressed or irritated due to an injury or pressure, it called cubital tunnel syndrome. This condition affects the Baseball Pitchers more, as the twisting motion used to throw a slider can easily damage ligaments in their elbow.

What are the common causes of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome can occur due to following possible reasons:

  • Sustained bending of elbow during sleep
  • Leaning over your elbow for longer time
  • Fluid build-up in the elbow
  • A direct blow to inside edge of the elbow
  • Previous fracture, injury or dislocation of the elbow
  • Arthritis of elbow or bone spurs
  • Any cyst near the elbow
  • Repetitive bending, twisting or flexion of elbow during painting, playing an instrument or using power tools
  • Obesity or other health conditions like hypothyroidism or diabetes

What are the potential signs and symptoms of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

Typical symptoms of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome may include:

  • Numbness and tingling sensation or intermittent pain in the elbow
  • Pain in the elbow extending to your forearm and hand
  • Weakness in hand and fingers
  • Being unable to straighten your ring and little finger
  • Tenderness in the inside edge of the elbow
  • Difficulty in gripping and holding the objects
  • Reduced ability to pinch the thumb and little finger
  • Claw-like deformity of the hand

How can physical therapy help to treat Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

Physical therapy treatment for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome includes patient education along with identification, modification and limiting the causes resulting into nerve inflammation. Apart from this, physical therapists may suggest:

  • Ergonomic considerations and changes in patterns of activities causing the condition
  • Specific elbow padding may be provided for work and leisure activities as well
  • Splinting at night may be suggested to limit range of motion enhancing the compression
  • Ulnar gliding exercises and modalities are practiced to relieve the painful symptoms
  • Modification of job activities, if needed, may be suggested
  • Therapists will suggest you different ways to rest your elbow and also educate you about the ways to use your elbow without putting any extra strain in it.
  • Heat or cold treatments may be applied to ease the pain
  • Strengthen and stretching exercises are used to strengthen the muscles of the forearm
  • Range-of-motion exercises are used to help you to return full length of muscles that are shortened due to protective posturing

Contact Active Physical Therapy for the state-of-art treatment of any of your musculoskeletal problems. Our certified ad dedicated physical therapists design individualized treatment plans depending upon your condition and problem.

Physical Therapy Tips for Safer Springtime Cleaning

Tips for Safe and Healthy Spring Cleaning

Tips for Safe and Healthy Spring Cleaning

Spring is always a welcome change after cold and lethargic winters. The blue skies and warm temperatures also bring open windows, fresh air, blossoming flowers and above all the spring cleaning.  Spring cleaning can be as hard and difficult as full-body workout as it involves good dusting, mowing of lawns; clearing gutters and many more. But the statistics show that great many numbers of people injure themselves during this annual cleaning. Active Physical Therapy suggests you to be cautious and observe the following measures to avoid any harm or injury to your body:

  • Do not perform similar motions repeatedly as this can result into sprains, strains or low back pain.
  • Keep your spine in line i.e. maintain a good posture and keep a wide base of support.
  • Avoid too much twisting or bending while lifting objects. Lift the objects properly by getting closer to them i.e. use your legs instead of your back.
  • Use long-handled tools, kneeling pad and stools while doing yard work and gardening as well.
  • Keep your properly hydrated throughout the cleaning session.
  • Wear skid resistant shoes to ensure proper footing on uneven surfaces.
  • Take regular breaks, in order to relax your tense muscles.
  • Use correct height ladder to minimize the risk of falls during cleaning your windows. Also make sure that ladder is placed on a levelled surface.
  • Move your feet and body while vacuuming, instead of reaching forward and sideways with your arms and trunk.
  • Use extension cords carefully. Do not drape them across the spans of crossing walkways to avoid tripping or falling.
  • Avoid twisting while bending, raking or thatching; instead use your legs to shift your weight from side to side.
  • To avoid slips and falls, always work in the yard wherever it is dry. Do not overfill bags or tarps as it can put pressure on your spine.
  • Do not over-exert yourself. Listen to your body and if you notice any symptoms like light-headedness, shortness of breath, sudden or severe headache, excess sweating, chest or stomach pain after or during cleaning, Contact Your Doctor immediately.

Prevention is always better than cure. Poor Physical posture, lack of exercise or warm-up, poor Physical condition can lead to injury or pain. So always do your best and follow good practices to save yourself form all such hazards.

Active Physical Therapy will be glad to help you with more spring cleaning tips or with any injuries or pain you experience during cleaning. Our diligent and expert physical therapists use state of art techniques to treat any of your musculoskeletal pains or injuries.

Radial Tunnel Syndrome

What do we mean by Radial Tunnel Syndrome? What are its potential causes, symptoms and treatment options?

Radial Tunnel Syndrome 1Most of the athletes visit physical therapists for their lateral elbow pain. Physical therapists are of the view that Radial Tunnel Syndrome (RTS) occurs due to swelling or irritation of radial nerve because of the friction caused due to compression by muscles.

What do you mean by Radial Tunnel Syndrome?

Radial Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the radial nerve gets compressed where it passes through a tunnel near the elbow. This compression happens in proximal forearm where the radial nerve splits into PIN (main trunk) and sensory branch (minor trunk).

What are the causes of Radial Tunnel Syndrome (RTS)?

Pain of Radial Tunnel Syndrome occurs due to the pressure on radial nerve. Other causes of Radial Tunnel Syndrome include:

  • Injury
  • Bone Tumors
  • Inflammation/Swelling of surrounding tissues
  • Non-cancerous fatty-tumors
  • Too Small tunnel
  • Repetitive bending, gripping and pinching of wrist
  • Direct blow to the outside of elbow
  • Continuous twisting of arm

What are the potential symptoms of Radial Tunnel Syndrome (RTS)?

The symptoms of Radial Tunnel Syndrome start getting worse when you bend your wrist backward or hold an object with a stiff wrist. Following are the symptoms of Radial Tunnel Syndrome:

  • Tenderness and pain on the outside of elbow
  • Pain in the forearm and hand during activity
  • Minimized grip and forearm strength
  • Pain that worsens while rotating wrist
  • Cutting and stabbing pain at top of the forearm or at the back of hand, when you straighten your fingers
  • Numbness and tingling down the forearm

How can Physical Therapy be helpful to treat Radial Tunnel Syndrome (RTS)?

Fore mostly, the physical therapist will advise you to avoid the repetitive activities which involve your wrists. If Radial Tunnel Syndrome is caused due to your work site conditions, your work site conditions would be modified. Apart from these, following therapeutic techniques would be administered to treat the condition:

  • Stretching and strengthening exercises would be administered to reduce pain
  • Cold and heat therapies would be practiced
  • Range of motion exercises would be administered to restore tissue flexibility and normal functioning of the joints
  • You would be advised to wear night-splint to limit your elbow movements at night
  • Soft –tissue massage would be used to promote blood circulation
  • Modalities like ultrasound, moist heat and electrical stimulation may also be used
  • Spinal manual therapy may be used to improve neural mobility
  • Ergonomic interventions like; load management, postural awareness and workstation modification are used
  • Functional strengthening exercises are used to treat Radial Tunnel Syndrome

 Contact   Active Physical Therapy for the state-of-art treatment of your overuse injuries. Our certified and skilled physical therapists are always ready to help you with customized treatment plans as per your needs and requirements.

What is Little League Shoulder and How is Physical Therapy Beneficial to Treat the Problem?

Little Leaguer's Shoulder Little League Shoulder also referred to as Pitcher’s Shoulder or Throwing Shoulder is a type of overuse injury; commonly affecting gymnasts, pitchers and young athletes lying in the age group of 10 to 15 years. Under this condition, the shoulder pain intensifies with the stressful use of arm.

What do we mean by Little League Shoulder?

Little League Shoulder is an injury to the proximal growth plate at the upper end of the humerus at the shoulder. The growth plate is a part of the bone that grows actively as a person matures. If not treated properly, it can cause disruption in the normal bone growth. The injury to the growth plate occurs due to repetitive throwing and overhead movements of the shoulder. Children who participate actively in baseball the whole year around are more likely to be affected by this injury.

How can Physical Therapy help your child to relieve the symptoms of Little League Shoulder?

As throwing and reaching are completely bodily activities and moreover the Little-League injury is a musculoskeletal injury; advanced Physical Therapy modalities can best treat this dysfunctional problem. Physical Therapy targets at restoring the strength, function, mobility and stability to the injured player’s shoulder before he returns to his usual sports’ activities. Following treatment options may be adopted by the Physical Therapists to help the young athletes to relieve Little League Shoulder:

  • Initially, physical therapists will prescribe rest, ice and compression to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Any of the sports’ activities of the child will be restricted for 2 to 3 months or as required.
  • Corrective Therapies will be administered to correct those mechanical faults that are causing stress to the shoulder.
  • Strengthening exercises will be suggested to restore strength and function to the muscles in elbow, shoulder, upper back and shoulder blades.
  • Soft tissue massage and Joint mobilization techniques will be employed by the physical therapists to lessen the pain and as well as tendon irritation. These modalities also help to restore normal joint mechanics.
  •  Modalities such as Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Laser and Cold techniques will be used to enhance motion and to lessen the inflammation of shoulder joint and surrounding tendons’ muscles.
  • Posterior Shoulder Capsule stretches will be prescribed to enhance the flexibility of shoulder muscles.
  • Neuromuscular Re-education program; including the progressive throwing program is introduced to improve movement techniques and mechanics of the players.
  • Once the player is ready to return to the normal sports’ activities; physical therapists will educate him about correct warm-up techniques, throwing mechanic, pitch count and cool-down techniques.

Active Physical Therapy provides prompt Sports Rehabilitation Physical Therapy in one-on-one setting for the active athletes and players. Our diligent and compassionate physical therapists help the athletes to get back to their sports’ activities as more vigorous and better than before.