Monthly Archives: March 2015

How to cure Lumbar Spondylolysis?

Causes and Symptoms of Spondylolysis:

Lumbar SpondylolysisSpondylolysis happens when a crack forms in the bony ring on the back of the spinal column. Most commonly, this occurs in the low back. In this condition, the bone that protects the spinal cord fractures as a result of excessive or repeated strain. The area affected is called the pars interarticularis, so doctors sometimes refer to this condition as a pars defect.

This condition appears in six percent of children. It mainly affects young athletes who participate in sports in which the spine is repeatedly bent backwards, such as gymnastics, football, and karate.


The human spine is made up of 24 spinal bones, called vertebrae. Vertebrae are stacked on top of one another to create the spinal column. The spinal column gives the body its form. It is the body’s main upright support. The section of spine in the lower back is called the lumbar spine.

Each vertebra is formed by a round block of bone, called a vertebral body. A circle of bone attaches to the back of the vertebra. When the vertebrae are stacked on top of each other, these bony rings create a hollow tube. This tube, called the spinal canal, surrounds the spinal cord as it passes through the spine. Just as the skull protects the brain, the bones of the spinal column protect the spinal cord.

Causes of Lumbar Spondylolysis

Spondylolysis is thought to be caused by repeated strains that damage the lower spine over time. The repeated strains can eventually lead to an overuse injury in the pars interarticularis. The most common location for this to occur is in the lowest vertebra of the spine. This vertebra connects the spine to the pelvis. However, a problem with the pars can occur in any lumbar vertebra. It rarely happens in more than one vertebra at a time.

  • The vertebra initially responds to the abnormal strain by adding new bone cells around the injured area.
  • But if the injuries happen faster than the body can keep up with needed repairs, a crack may form in the weakened bone. This is called a stress fracture.
  • This type of fracture occurs in the pars, the area of bony ring between the pedicle and lamina.
  • The crack may affect only one side of the bony ring. However, it is equally common for the defect to occur on both sides.
  • When this happens, the vertebra is no longer held firmly in place by the facet joints on the back of the ring.
  • As a result, the vertebra is free to slip forward over the one below.
  • This slippage, which is closely related to spondylolysis, is called spondylolisthesis.


  1. People with spondylolysis may feel pain and stiffness in the center of the low back.
  2. Bending fully backward increases pain.
  3. Symptoms typically get worse with activity and go away with rest.
  4. Doctors refer to this type of back pain as mechanical pain because it most likely comes from excess movement between the vertebrae.
  5. Individuals may eventually experience pain that radiates down one or both legs.
  6. This pain may come from pressure and irritation on the nerves that exit the spinal canal near the fracture.
  7. When nerve pressure in the low back causes leg pain, doctors refer it as neurogenic pain.


  • Recovery from this condition is much like nonsurgical treatment mentioned earlier.
  • Once you have rested your back to allow it to heal, your doctor may recommend that you work with a physical therapist a few times each week for four to six weeks.
  • In severe cases, patients may need a few additional weeks of physical therapy.

Active’s friendly staff looks forward to assisting you in making your appointment in any of our clinics. Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are dedicated to providing the best physical therapy service in Maryland.

Spinal Cord Injury – Paraplegia

Causes of Spinal Cord Injury:

Spinal Cord InjuryBoth paraplegia and quadriplegia are conditions which result from injury or trauma to the spinal cord. The spinal cord runs through the centre of the bony spine. It is like a system of telephone wires which conduct messages from the brain, through the nerves, to all parts of the body.

Damage can be due to various causes

People can receive damage to the spinal cord due to an accident, for example a:

  • Motor accident
  • Diving mishap
  • Fall
  • Sporting accident
  • Household accident

Damage can also result from a tumour or blood clot on the spinal cord. The majority of people who have a spinal cord injury are young males (who have a greater tendency to indulge in risky behaviour). However, there are people from both sexes and of all ages with spinal cord damage.

Loss of function usually relates to site of Injury

The amount of function lost tends to correspond to the level in the spinal cord where the damage takes place. A break near the top of the neck can mean that even breathing is difficult and that people must use a respirator. People with an injury in the lower neck, however, usually have arm movement but perhaps not finger movement. However they can often drive, work, write etc with the help of specialised equipment.

People with damage to the upper part of the spinal cord are called quadriplegics or tetraplegics. People with damage below this level are called paraplegic.

People with injuries in the lower back can have sensation and movement right to the hips. They can usually live totally independently with a minimum of help, as long as they can use a wheelchair and have the necessary alterations to their home, their bathroom and car.

There are many degrees of injury and function loss, which don’t always correspond to the level of the injury on the spine. Sometimes a quadriplegic only sustains partial damage to the spinal cord and can actually walk, though they may have lost other functions. At all levels, there is usually some loss of function in the bowel and bladder.

Some common Health problems

Other problems which can arise for people with spinal cord injuries are:

  1. Frequent urinary tract infections
  2. Kidney stones
  3. Muscle spasm
  4. Pressure sores from sitting in one position for too long without a correct pressure cushion
  5. Wide and rapid fluctuations in body temperature

Some common causes of Spinal Cord Injury

  • Most spinal cord injuries are caused by accidents.
  • Loss of function tends to correspond to the level in the spinal cord where damage occurred.
  • People with spinal cord injuries can lead productive lives.

Lower back pain occurs due to several causes such as muscle strain, incorrect posture, over-use and spinal injuries, etc. Active Physical Therapy is the best physical therapy clinic in Maryland. Call now for Quick Appointment: 301-662-9335 or Visit

How to Recover from Ankle Sprain?

Causes and Symptoms of Ankle Sprains:

Ankle sprains are a very common ailment. Ligaments are thick, fibrous structures that hold hones together. When these ligaments tear, it’s called a sprain.

Causes of Ankle Sprain

There are multiple causes to sprains, and most are associated with trauma. Running and impact sports put the ankle in precarious positions and can forcibly “roll” or invert the ankle in a painful position.

Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain

  • Ankle sprains are usually associated with pain and swelling and sometimes bruising in the side of the ankle and even into the foot or toes.
  • The symptoms of an ankle sprain vary depending on the severity of the sprain.
  • In most cases, people will experience pain, swelling, instability, and bruising on the inside and outside of the ankle and sometimes down into the foot and toes.
  • Walking can also be painful.

Evaluation of Ankle Sprain

Your physician will examine your ankle to check for signs of a sprain. Also, x-rays are often taken to rule out a fracture.

Prevention of Ankle Sprain

Wearing the proper athletic shoe, supportive brace, taping, stretching, and strength training of the muscles surrounding the ankle joint may assist a person in having a more stable ankle. Following an ankle injury, exercises that promote strength training and balance awareness will significantly reduce one’s likelihood of having a reoccurring ankle sprain.

Common Treatment of Ankle Sprain

  • Immediate treatment should include applying ice to the injured area, with accompanied compression (like an ace wrap) and elevation.
  • The sooner you are able to help control the pain and swelling from the ligament injury, the quicker the rate of recovery and return to function may be.
  • X-rays may be taken to make sure there are no fractures, although these are not always necessary.
  • Activity will be limited as a result of the severity of the injury and the goals of the individual.
  • Crutches, braces and even casting may be required to provide support.
  • The amount of weight bearing is usually determined by how much discomfort there is.

Active Physical Therapy’s experienced dedicated physical therapists and talented clinical team then design individualized treatment plans to achieve the specific goals for each patient per your doctor’s expectation. Call now for Quick Appointment301-916-8540

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What treatment should be done Herniated Disc?

Symptoms and Treatment of Herniated Disc:

Herniated DiscOne of the most important parts of the body that is often times abused. There are a lot of people tend to force themselves to do flexible things such as bending and splitting. This causes the spinal disc to break. When part of the spinal disc pushes out to its normal position, this is when the herniated disc occurs. As the herniated disc occurs, the nerves and spine will be compressed that causes you to feel extreme pain.

Herniated disc occurs any time without notice. The portion of the pain depends on where the herniated disc is located. It may occur on your lumbar spine or lower back portion and cervical spine or in your neck portion. Most sufferers tend to be elders because their bone strength decreases due to aging. This is the usual age to suffer bone fracture. Most of them usually suffers herniated disc in lumbar spine portion. This portion is responsible for the trunk of the body. When herniated disc occurs in this portion, the patient suffers extreme pain in their lower back.

Symptoms of Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc usually takes place due to accident. The most common is when a person would get a heavy fall from a high place such as, stairs. When your disc split out, the nerves between the muscles and the spine would be squeezed; thus, causes the severe pain. If, these happen it will cause a person not to function well. That’s why some irregularities may happen because of malfunction. Here, are some symptoms to know if you already have Herniated Disc.

  • Extreme Pain

As the herniated disc occurs; the spinal nerves will be pressured and causes some irregularities such as pain. When this occurs on your lumbar spine, the extreme pain can be felt in your lower back portion and your legs due to irritations. If the herniated disc occurs in your cervical area, the pain usually goes on your arms and neck. In the contrary, you will feel the pain in you buttocks down to the back of the legs when the affected discs are in the lumbar area. So; if you experience this kind of pain, you might have this kind of illness.

  • Insensitivity or Numbness

Some of the patients of this illness often suffer insensibility and cramps. These will also occur in the portion where you experience extreme pain.

  • Weakness of Muscles

Muscles become weak due to nerve irritations. If you keep on suffering the pain without any consultations, the illness comes to worst. It might become paralyzed due to this illness.

  • Irregular Bowel Movements

If you are suffering irregular bowel movements, this is one of the sign that you are having herniated disc symptoms. If you have problems in secreting waste materials and insensitivity in your genitals, you must immediately see your doctor and ask for proper medications.

Treatment of Herniated Disc

Herniated disc treatment depends mainly on the severity of a particular case. Nowadays, the medical field has discovered many ways to treat such illness. They vary depending on the age of the patient, the types of symptoms the patient is experiencing and the patient’s activity routine.

  • Herniated disc treatments usually aim to help the patient to relieve the pain that he is experiencing.
  • It helps to ease numbness and weakness in some parts of the body like the lower back and leg.
  • Also, treatments for this illness aim to prevent additional injury and lessen the risk of having disabilities.
  • According to research, a herniated disc can heal on its own due to resorption.
  • The jellylike material found inside the disc is dissolved and would be absorbed by the body.
  • However, if the patient’s case is a severe one, surgical procedure is taken into consideration.

Active’s friendly staff looks forward to assisting you in making your appointment in any of our clinics. Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are dedicated to providing the best physical therapy service in Maryland.

What is the classification of Shoulder Injury?

Causes and Management of Sternoclavicular Joint:

The Sternoclavicular Joint happens between the proximal end of the clavicle and the clavicular level of the manubrium of the sternum together with a little sector of the first costal fibrous.

Sternoclavicular JointMechanism of Injury

This is the least commonly dislocated joint because of the strong ligaments.

  • Direct force rarely causes this injury. For example, collision of an athlete with another person or a post, etc
  • Indirect force is the most common mode of injury. For example, loading the upper shoulder while someone lies on the sides
  • Incidence is about three percent and is more common in young males.


Road traffic accident (RTA) is responsible for 80 percent of the cases, sports-related injuries account for the remaining 20 percent.


Anatomical classification

Etiological classification

1.       Traumatic

  • Sprain
  • Acute dislocation
  • Recurrent dislocation
  • Unreduced dislocation

2.       Atraumatic

  • Voluntary
  • Involuntary
  • Congenital
  • Degenerative
  • Infective

Clinical Features

The patient complains of pain and swelling. Medial end of the clavicle is prominent in anterior dislocation. Affected shoulder is short. Lateral compression test is positive.


  • AP view is often difficult to interpret.
  • Special 90 degree cephalocaudal views-this helps to see the medial ends of both the clavicles (serendipity view).
  • Tomograms are useful.
  • CT scans and MRI help to study the position of clavicle with respect to sternum and soft tissues respectively.


  • Mild sprain: The treatment consists of ice, sling, painkillers, etc.
  • Subluxation: The treatment methods are ice (first 12 hr), warmth (24-48 hr), clavicle strap, and figure of ’8′ and excision of medial end if pain persists.
  • Dislocation: The treatment of choice is closed reduction by firm digital pressure followed by figure of ’8′, clavicle strap, sling, etc. If it fails, open reduction and internal fixation using K-wire is done.

Active Physical Therapy’s experienced dedicated physical therapists and talented clinical team then design individualized treatment plans to achieve the specific goals for each patient per your doctor’s expectation. Call now for best Treatment: 301-877-2323

Signs and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Risk Factors and Prevention of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a painful and often debilitating disorder of the wrist and hand. The carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel formed by bones and other tissues on the palm side of your wrist. Within this tunnel runs the median nerve. When the median nerve is compressed or pinched this can lead to CTS. CTS occur when the surrounding tissues in the carpal tunnel, such as ligaments and tendons, get swollen or inflamed and press against the median nerve. This usually results with repetitive motion of the wrist and hand. However, it may also be linked to other factors, such as injury to the wrist such as a fracture.

Carpal Tunnel SyndromeRisk Factors

  • Computer users
  • Grocery checkers
  • Meat packers
  • Violinists
  • Mechanics
  • Pregnant women
  • People diagnosed with diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Thyroid disease

Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS are often diagnosed with a detailed history taken either by your doctor or physical therapist. Special tests are then performed to confirm or rule out CTS. If appropriate, a nerve conduction velocity test (NCV) or electromyography (EMG) may be ordered by your doctor to see if the nerves and muscles in your arm and hand show the typical effects of CTS.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Numbness and tingling in your hand and fingers (especially the thumb, index and middle finger)
  • Pain in your wrist, palm or forearm
  • Above symptoms are usually greater during the night or with prolonged repetitive motion of the wrist and hand
  • Difficulty gripping objects and weakness in the thumb

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If CTS is caused by a medical problem your doctor will most likely treat that problem which should help relieve symptoms. Your doctor may also prescribe medication to help decrease inflammation. The anti inflammatory can be administered orally or by way direct injection. Your physical or occupational therapist can also play an integral role by using the appropriate interventions to help loosen the tissue surrounding the median nerve and decrease inflammation.

Prevention of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Yes, by utilizing some of the tips below you may decrease your likelihood of developing CTS.

  • Get treatment for any of the diseases listed that predisposes you to CTS
  • Avoid doing the same repetitive movements of the wrist and hand for long periods of time
  • Don’t rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods
  • Try to switch hands during work tasks and make sure your tools are appropriate for your hand size
  • Take regular breaks from repeated hand movements

Hand injuries can be caused in many different ways including work injuries, auto injuries, sport injuries, and simply overuse of the muscles causing dysfunction, chronic, and acute pain. We have Certified Hand Therapist in our Laurel and Clinton locations. Call now for Best Hand Therapy Treatment: 301-498-1604 or Visit:

What is Chronic Pain?

Types and Treatment of Chronic Pain:

imagesChronic Pain is commonly considered to signify disease itself. It can be made much more intense by ecological and emotional factors. It continues over a many years than serious discomfort and is immune to most medications. It causes serious problems for sufferers. A person may have two or more co-existing chronic pain conditions.

Types of Pain:

There are two types of pain:

Acute pain doesn’t last long and usually goes away as your body heals. Chronic pain lasts at least 6 months after your body has healed. Sometimes, people who have chronic pain don’t know what is causing it. Along with discomfort, chronic pain can cause low self-esteem, depression and anger. It can also interfere with your daily activities.

Treatment of Chronic pain:

Treatment of chronic pain usually involves medicines and therapy. Medicines used for chronic pain include pain relievers, antidepressants and anticonvulsants. Different types of medicines help people who have different types of pain. You usually use long-acting medicines for constant pain. Short-acting medicines treat pain that comes and goes.

Many other treatments can also relieve pain. They can actually change the body’s chemicals that produce pain. Almost anything we do to relax or get our minds off our problems may help control pain. It’s important to add relaxing activities to your daily life, even if you are already taking medicine for pain. You might have to use stress reduction methods for several weeks before you notice a decrease in pain.

  • Several types of therapy can help ease your pain. Physical therapy (such as stretching and strengthening activities) and low-impact exercise (such as walking, swimming or biking) can help reduce the pain.
  • However, exercising too much or not at all can hurt chronic pain patients. Occupational therapy teaches you how to pace yourself and how to do ordinary tasks differently so you won’t hurt yourself.
  • Behavioral therapy can reduce your pain through methods (such as meditation and yoga) that help you relax.
  • It can also help decrease stress.
  • Lifestyle changes are an important part of treatment for chronic pain.
  • Getting regular sleep at night and not taking daytime naps should help.
  • Stopping smoking helps, also, because the nicotine in cigarettes can make some medicines less effective.
  • Smokers also tend to have more pain than non-smokers.
  • Most pain treatments will not take away all of your pain.
  • Instead, treatment should reduce how much pain you have and how often it occurs.

Active Physical Therapy’s experienced dedicated physical therapists and talented clinical team then design individualized treatment plans to achieve the specific goals for each patient per your doctor’s expectation. Contact now at: 301-916-8540

How to treat Tibia Bone?

Classification and Treatment of Tibia Bone:

imagesCongenital pseudarthrosis of tibia is a rare condition. It can also be seen in other long bones like femur.


  • Incidence is 1 in 2.5 lacs live births.
  • In 50-90 percent of cases neurofibromatosis is present.


Boyd has classified this condition into six types and is the most accepted classification.

Clinical Features

In this condition, deformity is the chief complaint and the patient develops anterior bowing of the tibia of various severities. In a few cases, there could be pathological fractures.


Radiograph of the leg, AP and lateral views, are sufficient to make an accurate.



  • It depends on the age and type.
  • True pseudarthrosis will not unite with casting alone.
  • Tibial cyst curettage and bone grafting is done in small lesions.
  • Treatment is usually surgical, once a fracture develops.

Physical Therapy is a unique rehabilitation technique and art that utilizes a wide variety of procedures such as restoring original functionality and movement to the body, but not limited to eliminating various kinds of pain including lower back pain, neck pain (cervical), leg pain (sciatica), and post-operative procedures. Call today at: 301-916-8540

How to get Relief from Knee Injury with Physical Therapy Treatment?

Indications and Treatment of Knee Injury:

Patellofemoral discomfort problem is a common joint issue that causes discomfort under and around the kneecap. The issue often happens because of large exercising that pressures the legs, such as running or moving. In many cases, the discomfort produces from doing too much, too soon. For most people, patellofemoral discomfort decreases with non-surgical treatment, such as anti-inflammatory medicines, physical therapy and rehabilitation.


Chondromalacia – Softening and fissuring of the underside of the patella

  • Chondral lesions themselves are asymptomatic unless worn down to subchondral bone.
  • Chondromalacia can only be diagnosed by X-ray (Merchant, sun rise, or skyline view) or surgery.


Patellofemoral Syndrome usually presents as an insidious onset of peripatellar or retropatellar pain. Commonly patients are young, active, and females are affected more than males. PFS can also be caused from a traumatic injury to the patella.


  • Knee pain believed to be musculoskeletal in origin, primarily from muscle imbalances and/or poor biomechanics.
  • Patients report symptoms as general knee pain or ache surrounding the patella.


Avoid activities that cause excessive patellofemoral joint reaction forces. Physical Therapy can improve your strength and versatility and avoid the pain from coming back when you continue your regular movement. Your physician or physiotherapist can suggest you on how to progressively return to exercising and how to warm up, awesome down and expand to avoid injury.

Active Physical Therapy is recognized as a provider of superior care for orthopedic, Auto Accident, Sports Injuries / Trauma Cases, Work-related Injuries and comprehensive physical therapy services that improve function, encourage independence and better your quality of life. Call Us at: 301-662-9335

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What treatment should be done for Hand (Wrist) Injury?

Clinical Features and Investigation of Hand Injury:

imagesTrapezoid bone injuries are the least typical carpal crack of the hand, including less than 1 % of all carpal bone injuries. Its form and place manage security, and dislocation is probably more typical than crack.

Mechanism of Injury

Clinical Features

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness over the wrist
  • Painful resisted flexion are the usual complaints


Plain X-rays of the wrist are not reliable. CT scan is a better option.


  • Undisplaced fractures are treated by below elbow cast for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • In displaced fractures open reduction and rigid internal fixation is advised.

Physical Therapy is a unique rehabilitation technique and art that utilizes a wide variety of procedures such as restoring original functionality and movement to the body, but not limited to eliminating various kinds of pain. Active Physical Therapy’s experienced dedicated physical therapists and talented clinical team then design individualized treatment plans to achieve the specific goals for each patient per your doctor’s expectation. Call now at: 301-877-2323